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We are a team of focused and driven geoscientists working together to provide assistance to the exploration industry. We take particular pride in meeting our clients' specific technical and financial requirements whilst following the industry’s best practice procedures. We deliver innovative solutions for streamlining data collection and data analysis workflows, hence our name Streamline Geo.

We are a team of focused and driven geoscientists working together to provide assistance to the exploration industry. We take particular pride in meeting our clients' specific technical and financial requirements whilst following the industry’s best practice procedures. We deliver innovative solutions for streamlining data collection and data analysis workflows, hence our name Streamline Geo.

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Streamline Geo

At Streamline Geo, we combine our geoscience expertise and passion for streamlining data to provide you with the best solutions for your projects.


Our growing network of highly qualified and experienced geologists will help you extract value from your geoscientific data.


We have expertise in a range of deposit types including: Archean Greenstone Belt-hosted Au and NiS-Au-PGE deposits, Epithermal Au and Porphyry Cu-Au-Mo, VMS and carbonate replacement base/precious metals, granite-related base and rare metals and lithium pegmatites.

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Dimitri Dutheil Founder and Principal Geologist at Streamline Geo

Dimitri Dutheil

Founder & Principal Geologist

Dimitri is a passionate and driven geoscientist and entrepreneur.  He is a capable results-driven geologist, recognised as an achiever and committed to strong research and learning. He enjoys cutting-edge and innovative exploration practices such as machine learning and novel field data management techniques. His goal is always to over-deliver and exceed clients’ expectations.


Upon completion of his MSc in Exploration Geology at Camborne School of Mines in 2019, Dimitri worked in Australia as an Exploration Geologist. On his return to Europe, he completed several successful contracts for Australian gold, lithium, and base metal explorers, which led to the kick-starting of Streamline Geo in January 2022. He has since been working as a Streamline Geo consultant, providing technical assistance to several Australian companies. He now strives to expand his network of associates to keep up with growth of demand for quality Mineral Exploration services.

Dimitri has good knowledge of orogenic systems, notably Archean-Proterozoic Greenstone Belts, and granitic base and rare-metal mineralisation including LCT pegmatites. He has also been exposed to Laterite-hosted Ni-Co, and massive-sulphide base-metal mineralisation.

Vincent Wicker Exploration Consultant and Structural Geologist

Vincent Wicker

Exploration Consultant & Structural Geologist

Vincent is an exploration geologist and a competent structural geologist. He is a sound geoscientist who has developed a strong scientific mind through years of carrying out advanced research. His strength lies in his capability to collect/reprocess and integrate multi-source and multi-scale datasets to produce 3D geological models and robust structural interpretations, which are often essential to understand the controls on mineralisation.

Vincent holds an MSc in Geological Engineering from the National School of Geology, France, as well as an MSc in Exploration Geology from Camborne School of Mines, UK. He has 4 years of international experience over 3 continents (Oceania, Africa, Europe), and worked on various projects both within the mining industry and academia. Since 2019, he has worked as an exploration geologist and completed several structural studies and reconnaissance mapping campaigns in the early phase exploration projects. He holds a PhD in Structural Geology and Tectonics from the University of Lorraine, France and was part of the DeepRift project whilst completing it (2020-2023). Vincent also has teaching experience in structural geology at BSc and MSc levels at the French National School of Geology, and can carry out geological training courses particularly adapted to the Industry. He is now working as a consultant geologist for the Mineral Exploration Industry.

Vincent has extensive field work experience within Greenstone belts (Lapland), Pan-African belts (Damara), Variscan belts (France and UK), and European Alpine belts (Aegean orogen). He understands orogenic mineral systems and is familiar with intrusion-related deposits such as skarns and polymetallic vein deposits.

Mapping and sampling in the field using GIS apps


We are a team of focused and driven geoscientists working together to provide assistance to the exploration industry. We take particular pride in meeting our clients' specific technical and financial requirements whilst following the industry’s best practice procedures. We deliver innovative solutions for streamlining data collection and data analysis workflows, hence our name Streamline Geo.

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