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My thoughts on how to remain sane when thrown in the deep end

Lonely geologist sieving the last chips whilst drillers pull rods
Lonely geologist sieving the last chips whilst drillers pull rods

If you are working for a small junior explorer or at a time when staff are hard to get hold of, chances are you have been thrown in the deep end. Many a time, I found myself chasing air core rigs on my own for the first two years working in Australia - which I found far more difficult than managing RC and diamond drilling. Whilst doing 12 to 14hr days and being responsible for people’s safety and thousands of dollars’ worth of samples is manageable (and enjoyable!) it is that much harder for those without previous experience of doing so. However, it is highly rewarding as you will gain a lot of good experience, awesome memories, and appreciation from your employer. [paragraph 1/7]

Coming up with systems to ensure an efficient and effective work environment is crucial if you want to do quality work and remain sane. Ask yourself what you can do to speed up the tasks that you have to perform. Safety and sampling are vital so I would come up with systems for these first, such as putting place daily check lists to eliminate possible oversights. Secondly keeping a tidy vehicle and working environment. For example stocking up in the evening to be ready to go for the next day is a great way to make the morning more relaxing and to clear your head for more important things like the morning meeting. Another little thing is to cook extra portions for dinner ensuring there are leftovers which make for an effortless lunch the next day. Last, but not least is the geology. As much as I hate to say it, geology comes last when you’re by yourself on an air core rig, and despite all of this, your logs must be sound.. [2/7]

For me, efficient and effective systems need to be set up everywhere - from field work to life at camp. Obviously, streamlining the sampling and logging whilst keeping up with the rig is needed. For example, taking time to think about how you want to set up your gear and logging station at the back of your vehicle and making sure you keep it tidy will help you work more efficiently. Keeping your numbered calico bags under your belt so you can access them quickly. Little things matter. Having a rope holding your water bucket tight against the back of your vehicle, for example, will avoid you losing all your water whilst going from one hole to the next. An air core rig is quick, and if you are not systematic and methodical you will not be able to keep up. Systems at camp for things like cooking, getting your food ready for the next day, reporting to the senior, and doing your daily data backups are less obvious. However, they are just as important and will make your life easier both before and after work, which ultimately affects how you carry out the field work. Managing your drilling programmes with a mobile GIS app like qfield, for example, and having it generate preset map reports of daily drilling progress in 2 clicks will make your senior geo happy without taking too much of your time. [3/7]

This also ties up with how you manage your energy. Having systems set up everywhere reduces the risk of burn-out mid-programme. Your mindset is very important. Panic, stress and moving too quickly are your worst enemies. Keeping calm, taking regular small breaks (drink, drink, and more drink!) and taking things step by step in a reasoned manner will go a long way. You will not only find yourself doing work more safely, but also make less mistakes and, believe it not, produce results at a faster pace. [4/7]

“Move slow to move fast” - (Edward Keys, mentor, and friend)

Never forget about safety. Taking time to think twice before taking action on a drill site is perfectly acceptable if you want to remain safe. Also make sure you don’t get so absorbed into your work that you stop paying attention to the rig and the drillers. Never stop listening and lift your head every now and then to observe. [5/7]

Although good drillers will know how to drill well, less experienced ones may not. Developing an understanding of how a rig works in different ground conditions will also help you in your work as a geologist. This generally comes with experience observing drilling, and asking lots of questions to drillers, but you can also consult ‘drilling for geologists’ guides that may be lying around your workplace. [6/7]

However, don’t miss out on the fun… Yes fun!... It is possible. Hopefully, having chosen exploration geology as a career, like me, you enjoy rocks and drilling them in the middle of nowhere, and you can make it a game. I would also recommend working hard and get to know the drillers well. It is so important for the morale and atmosphere at camp. It will also serve you well when they want to go the extra mile because they appreciate you. I emphasise the word hard because I know how difficult it can be as a geologist to get respect and trust from the drillers. However, chances are if you are on an air core rig without a field assistant and you work hard yourself, the drillers will appreciate you. They like to see a geologist prepared to put in the hard work with them. [7/7]

Good luck on your drilling programmes!



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We are a team of focused and driven geoscientists working together to provide assistance to the exploration industry. We take particular pride in meeting our clients' specific technical and financial requirements whilst following the industry’s best practice procedures. We deliver innovative solutions for streamlining data collection and data analysis workflows, hence our name Streamline Geo.

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